¹ÎÁ¤¿ø, À¯Àç¼±, ±è¿µÁÖ, ¹ÚÀº¾Ö, ±èÀÇÁ¤, ÀÌÈ¿µ, ¹ÚÇý¼÷ (2009). ų» »êÈ-Ç×»êÈȯ°æÀÌ 4¼¼ ¼Ò¾Æ Çൿ¹ß´Þ¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿µÇâ. ãêÌèïñãêì¢ùÊ, 48(3), 153-159.
Objectives We aimed to define the effects of antioxidant vitamins and oxidative stress in the intrauterine period on childhood neurobehavioral development.
Methods The behavioral status of 100 children (aged four) at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital in Korea was examined using the K-CBCL. Their maternal vitamin and oxidative stress Status were analyzed at midterm as intrauterine circumstance indices. The relationship between intrauterine condition and childhood behavioral development was analyzed using a general linear model.
ResuIts K-CBCL scores were lower in the group which took high levels of maternal vitamins B_(6) and B_(12) than scores in the group which too low levels of these vitamin. In contrast, the group with high maternal oxidative stress exhibited higher scores in behavioral problem scales. After adjusting for inborn and childhood environmental covariates, K-CBCL differences were statistically significant in the B_(2) group comparison (high group vs. low group ; total problem : 47.01¡¾1.0 vs. 53.0¡¾1.8, internalizing Problem 46.5¡¾1.0 vs. 51.2¡¾1.8). In addition, significant highest means of K-CBCL were in low vitamin and high oxidative stress group than other combined groups.
ConcIusion We have established a relationship between maternal vitamins and oxidative stress during pregnancy, and a 4 year-old child's behavioral development. This suggests that preventive efforts during pregnancy are influential on early childhood behavioral problems.